Karen is a popular coach and teacher within Sweet Adelines
Intl. She has achieved the level of "Master Faculty" (one of only
four women in the organization to have achieved this goal) and "Master
Karen has directed 3 choruses, ranking in the finals 6 times. She recently retired from directing Spirit of the Gulf, helping them win the coveted "Most Entertaining Chorus Award" three times. She has won 9 international quartet medals - including the championship with Jubilation in 1985 and with "the BUZZ" in 2005. Karen was International President of Sweet Adelines from 1998 - 1999. Karen has a Bachelor's Degree in Education and Foreign Language and a Master's Degree in Guidance and Counseling. She lives in Jacksonville FL on the beautiful St. John's River with her husband Bob - also a barbershop quartet finalist. Since she began singing at age four with her family's professonal singing group, The Drummond Family Singers, music has truly been in Karen's heart and soul for all of her life.
Cindy is excited to be acting as Communications Coordinator. Cindy earned her THC pin as the baritone of Showtime, Region 9’s 1987 Quartet Champs. Showtime went on to win the International Championship becoming the 1994 Queens of Harmony. She has also been a regional champion singing Baritone with Premier in 2016 and 2017. She currently sings Bass in a brand new quartet called Shine! Cindy is also a proud member of Spirit of the Gulf chorus in Fort Myers, Florida. She is an instructional designer by trade and works as a Senior Learning Specialist for a large retail chain. She calls Brandon, Florida her home. When not singing with her quartet and sending out communications to the Top Hat Club, Cindy enjoys spending time with her Havanese puppy, Milo, reading and taking on new and exciting "home improvement" projects...Thanks to Pinterest and DIY videos!
Deanna is an elementary music educator in the Broward County School District. She married fellow barbershopper, James Kastler, and they are the proud parents of son Caden and Jackson. She is the baritone of the 2015 International Champion Quartet, Bling! In the midst of teaching, family time and, of course, quartet time, Deanna travels to Ft. Myers every Tuesday night for rehearsal with Spirit of the Gulf. She is a Certified Director and serves as Spirit of the Gulf's Associate Director.
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